Location: Rouge Park Public School (568 Riverlands Ave, Markham, ON)
Camp is led by NCCP Certified Level 2 Head Coach Adam Petersen (Founder/Head Coach/Trainer)
Date: March 10th to 14th
- Ages: 5-14 (co-ed) - Kids are grouped by age and skill level
- Full Day: 9am to 4pm
- Mornings: 9am to 12pm
- Afternoons: 1pm to 4pm
- The fee for Full Day is $375 plus HST (custom size and colour Toronto Hoopstars Dry-Fit t-shirt included) or $360 plus HST (without a t-shirt)
- The fee for Half Day is $285 plus HST (custom size and colour Toronto Hoopstars Dry-Fit t-shirt included) or $270 plus HST (without a t-shirt)
- Daily Drop-ins (no shirt): Full Day: $80 plus HST or Half Day: $60 plus HST (complete regular registration form, but indicate next to child's name which day(s) you wish to attend)
Daily overview:
- 8:45-9am (arrival)
- 9am -11am (warm-up, skills and drills, and mini skills competitions)
- Includes a 15-20 minute snack break
- 11am - 12pm (scrimmage divided by age and skills level)
- 12pm - 1pm (lunch time in classroom and open gym once finished eating)
- 1pm - 3pm (warm-up, skills and drills, and mini skills competitions)
- Includes a 15-20 minute snack break
- 3pm - 4pm (scrimmage divided by age and skill level)
- 4pm (pick-up)
Payment to be sent via INTERAC e-Transfer to info@torontohoopstars.com using the security question PASSWORD REQUESTED and answer HOOPSTARS. Please note that enrolment is only secured upon receipt of payment.
Additional details:
- Participants are to bring their own basketball - suggested size is 27.5 (size 5) for kids up to grade 6, size 28.5 (size 6) for kids in grade 7-8, size 29.5 (size 7) for boys in grade 9
- Wear indoor athletic shoes and attire (Wet boots/shoes will be left outside of the gym to help keep it clean, dry, and safe for all participants)
- Bring a refillable water bottle
- Bring nut-free snacks and lunch
- Bring a ready to work and have FUN attitude!